29 6: Using Anti-Bias Curriculum
Learning Objectives
6.1: Introduction6.2: Goals
6.3: The Role of the Early Childhood Educator
By understanding diversity and respecting individuality, educators can better serve culturally diverse students. Moreover, early childhood educators should possess three elements.
6.4: Practices to Promote a Multicultural Classroom
Curriculum and activities need to be carefully designed and implemented in the program. An antibias curriculum can help children to learn about their own identity and to respect different gender, ethnicity, races, backgrounds among people.
6.5: Going One Step Further with an Anti-bias Classroom
“Numerous research studies about the early process of identity and attitude development conclude that children learn by observing the differences and similarities among people and by absorbing the spoken and unspoken messages about those differences.”(Hepburn, 2007). In order to teach children to respect and value diversity, educators should include the following elements in the early childhood programs:
6.6: Issues of Social Justice in the Early Childhood Classroom
6.7: Summary