74 15.1: Introduction
This chapter begins by describing the effects of stereotypes. Stereotypes lead to misinformation about others especially when we come from a place of judgement. We know that hate is learned. This means that hate can be unlearned. As we explore this topic, we will look at the importance of learning accurate information and gaining knowledge through developing reciprocal relationships with the families we serve. We will look at the importance of learning accurate information and gaining knowledge. The chapter places an emphasis on culture because early development and learning must be viewed within a cultural context and occurs through social contexts, as in families and communities, using language and everyday experiences (California Department of Education 2009a). Culture also “has an influence on the beliefs and behaviors of everyone.” As research shows “culture influences every aspect of human development and is reflected in childrearing beliefs and practices. (National Research Council and Institute of Medicine 2000, 3). [226]