Western Civilization, A Concise History, Volume 1

This is an open educational resource (OER) textbook intended to be used for HIS 101 classes at Northern Virginia Community College.
Please keep in mind that your instructor may be using a different textbook than this one. Please check your class syllabus to verify what textbook is used.
This book was originally created by Dr. Christopher Brooks at Portlands Community College. Its URL can be found at: https://www.pcc.edu/staff/christopher-brooks3/. The following information is what is contained in the original site. This “fork” of the original textbook to attempt to improve the presentation and flexibility of the original text. Any changes, addition or edits should be considered to be done under the same license as the original, contained below.
Licensed by Portland Community College
Open Educational Resource released under the Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International)