
54 Considerations



Alignment with Learning Objectives and Instructional Design Principles

• Clear Objectives: Ensure each module and its components are aligned with the overall course objectives.
• Instructional Design Principles: Apply principles like scaffolding, inclusive language, and diverse assessment methods.

Inclusivity and Accessibility

• Inclusive Language and Materials: Use inclusive, culturally sensitive, and person-first language.

• Flexible Assessments: Design assessments to accommodate different learning styles and preferences.

Engagement and Interaction

• Active Learning: Incorporate activities that promote active learning and engagement.
• Community Building: Design opportunities for student-to-student and student-to-instructor interactions.

Clarity and Organization

• Clear Instructions: Provide clear and concise instructions for each assignment and activity.
• Logical Structure: Organize course content into well-defined modules that follow a logical sequence.

Feedback and Improvement

• Timely Feedback: Plan for regular and timely feedback on assignments and assessments.
• Opportunities for Revision: Allow students to revise and resubmit work based on feedback.

Appendix (a)

Course Map for XYZ 000: Course Name

QM Course Design Rubric Standards: Specific Review Standards from the QM Higher Education Rubric, Seventh Edition

Course Content Summary – https://www.nvcc.edu/courses/

Summary from MM/YYYY version

Target Semester

Instructional Designer(s)

Faculty Developer(s)

Course Description

Course Description:

Course Purpose:


Course-Level Learning Objectives (CLOs)

Major Topics

Student Learning Outcomes

Required Time Allocation per Topic

Credits and Study Time

Textbooks / OER

Major Assessments (at least two)

Authentic Assessments vs. Proctored Exams

Welcome Module



Meet the Faculty

Orientation to Online Learning

Canvas Student Support and Tutorials

NOVA Online Student Support

Communication Netiquette

Set Up Your Profile

Academic Integrity Assignment and introductory items related to assessments

Make these items Requirements for the Welcome module

Make the Welcome module a Prerequisite to all modules after the Welcome and the first module