
Chapter 2: Population and Health

2.7 Key Takeaways

Key Takeaways

  1. The human population is growing, but not as much as it has in the recent past. The growth is not even, with some places growing rapidly and other places losing population.
  2. Those places growing fastest tend to be poor.
  3. Population growth can be measured via regular census or sampling techniques. It can be displayed on thematic maps.
  4. Population growth is impacted by poverty, disease patterns, governmental policies and cultural attitudes.
  5. The effect of population growth is place-bound; highly developed places with low populations often use more resources than low income places with more people. These places can be found on a global, regional and local scale.
  6. The impact of population on the cultural landscape can be measured in a number of ways, with each measurement providing a small insight into the dynamics of the human population.
  7. Uneven population growth and poverty are the two most important factors underlying the subject of our next chapter, Migration.


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2.7 Key Takeaways Copyright © 2024 by Barbara Crain is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.