8 The Presentation
Visual Aids
After completing this section, students should be able to:
- explain the rationale for using visual aids.
- describe the types of visual aids.
- identify the characteristics of good slides.
- use slideware appropriately.
Quite commonly, we employ visual aids to assist us in presenting the message in a clear, easily followed manner. Although they are called visual aids, they are any sensory element added to the speech to enhance the speaker’s message. Typically, speakers use visual elements, such as graphs and charts, but visual aids can also include items for the audience to hear, touch, taste, or smell.
It is important to understand that visual aids are used to aid the speaker, not to replace the speaker. At all times, the focus of the event should be on the speaker and the verbal message, not on the sensory aids. The speaker needs to smoothly integrate the visual aids into the presentation so as not to distract from the core message of the speech. A general rule of thumb is if the speech cannot be presented without the visual aids, the visual aids are being used too heavily. Visual aids can be forgotten, may not work, or equipment may break down. Struggling to deal with non-functioning visual aids can severely damage the credibility of the speaker, so a good speaker is ready to adapt and move forward, adapting to the challenge of not having the aids.
Purposes of Visual Aids
We use visual aids for four reasons:
- To Clarify: A picture really is worth a thousand words. In many cases, a visual aid can communicate a message more clearly than words. Imagine trying to explain the beauty of a Caribbean island or the complexity of an automobile engine without the use of a visual element. Words alone will not have the same impact as when combined with an image.
- To Enhance Memory Value: When the audience receives the message in multiple ways, through the speaker’s spoken message and through the visual aids, the memory value of the message increases. For some audience members, hearing the message will suffice, but for others, a visual element is more memorable. Using a visual aid allows the audience to tap into the message in a way that works best for them.
- To Fulfill Audience Expectations: With the advent of slideware, such as PowerPoint, audiences have become accustomed to seeing these types of visuals accompanying a presentation. At times the speaker needs to use a visual aid because the audience expects it. For example, at conferences it is common that audience members need a printout of slides to validate attendance, so to not use a visual aid becomes a barrier to audience engagement.
- To Add Variety: Although this should not be used as a primary purpose, if the speaker is using an aid to clarify or to enhance memory value, the aids also provide some nice variety for the audience. Avoid using aids just for variety, as they can too easily become more important than the message.
Types of Visual Aids
Visual aids can take on many forms with the only limit being the speaker’s imagination. Always remembering they are aids, not replacements, there are a myriad of choices available. From slideware to poster board to objects, the speaker has many options for creating powerful visual elements.
Visual aids have undergone a massive transformation since the introduction of Microsoft’s PowerPoint in 1990. Today, in addition to PowerPoint, there are other options, such as Apple’s Keynote or the online tool Prezi. Traditional forms of visual aids, such as posters, overheads, and slides, have been replaced by slideware . While the use of some non-slideware visual aids is still appropriate, the reality is that audiences have become accustomed to seeing slideware accompanying presentations.
While these software options are excellent tools for creating professional, intriguing, and informative visual aids, many of us have experienced horrible slideware presentations in which the speaker talked to the screen, read from the screen, or failed to coordinate what they were saying with what the audience was viewing. By now, students have had enough experience viewing these presentations that most should have a good idea of what not to do.
When creating slideware presentations, each slide should be purposeful and thoughtfully created. Each word, bullet point, or image should be on the slide for a distinct reason, not simply as decoration. Good slideware is created with a clear goal in mind.
When creating slides:
- Use a consistent theme from slide to slide, keeping colors and fonts the same throughout.
- Use no less than an 18-size font, but do not make them so large they appear to be “yelling” at the audience.
- Avoid the tendency to put too much on the screen. Use key words or phrases, leaving the speaker to fill in the details.
- Use the transition tools to reveal points one at a time. Whenever a visual aid appears, regardless of what it is, the audience will immediately attempt to decode the whole thing. The speaker should reveal only what they want the audience to focus on at that moment.
- Use only significant images. A significant image is one that is selected to make a specific point, and one the speaker will deliberately draw to the audience’s attention. Images should not be used for background or decoration. Since the audience will look at everything on the screen, the images can be too distracting.
- Do not fill slides to the edge. Leave space to stand slightly overlapping the screen to keep the speaker and the slide as one visual element.
- Do not overload the slide. Find a nice balance between too sparse and too crowded.
- Use black slides or blank slides for when there is nothing to show the audience. Plan them right into the presentation. If using a remote with a blackout option, plan when to use the feature in place of blank/black slides.
- Consider carefully the opening slide. Most people assume a title slide is needed, but many times they are unnecessary distractions. For most speeches, simply start with a black slide and only reveal the content slides as they become relevant to the speech content.
- Do not use any more slides or visual information than necessary, but use what is needed. Be thoughtful in deciding what is needed to aid your audience in understanding the point, but at the same time do not use too much so it distracts from the speaker and the message.
- Always be prepared for the presentation to not work. Technology is prone to failure, so being able to give the presentation without the slideware is an important skill. A common situation in professional settings is to provide the audience a printout of the slides, so while not ideal, in the event of technology failure, the speaker can guide the audience through the printed version of the slideware.
One final caution: slideware can hijack development time away. These are very powerful tools allowing the speaker to create detailed animations, special effects, and a plethora of visually energetic and stimulating imagery. The vast majority of these are unnecessary in public speaking, and the speaker can easily find themselves spending hours on an effect that ends up having little value. Instead, work for a minimal, concise, neat slideware presentation, and then put time into practicing with it to create a smooth, unified speech.
Speaking with slideware
Many of us have seen very poor slideware presentations. One of the reasons audiences may dread PowerPoint is how poorly the speaker uses it. It is a tool, and needs to be handled carefully and appropriately. Using it effectively can enhance the message, but using it poorly can make the speech a trying time for the audience.
- First and foremost, do not read from the slides. This is one of the most common complaints regarding speakers using slideware. Most of us read fine, and to have the speaker read the slide to us is insulting. While the slide helps us focus on what is being emphasized at that moment, it does not convey the core message; that is the speaker’s job.
- A second major mistake some speakers make is speaking to the screen. While it is good to glance at the screen to make sure the correct slide is being projected and to draw the audience’s attention to a specific item, the speaker’s focus must remain on the audience. Always remember, every time the speaker glances at the screen, the audience follows even if there is nothing substantial to look at.
- Control focus. For the audience to take in both the speaker and the screen, if possible stand next to the screen, creating a unified visual picture. If the speaker wants the audience’s full attention, they should take a step or two away from the screen while displaying a black or blank slide. Do not stand in front of the screen, in the light, or in a manner which blocks the audience’s view.As mentioned above, use the transitions tools in the slideware to control when specific items appear and disappear, but also use gestures to control focus by pointing out specific items on the screen. For instance, if Kathryn is describing how horses are judged at a county fair and has an image of a horse on the screen, she should point to the various parts of the horse as she describes them. It is Kathryn’s job to guide the audience’s focus to the key part of the image.
- Use a remote, if possible. A presentation remote gives enormous freedom to move, gesture, and otherwise vary the visual image being presented to the audience. Prior to speaking, it is crucial the speaker is comfortable with how the remote works and can use it quickly and confidently. It is important to know what buttons to use, and, equally important, which ones to avoid (and how to recover if a button gets hit). How well the speaker uses the remote and interacts with the slideware influences credibility, so being proficient is important.
- Test prior to speaking. Make very sure the technology works before starting the presentation. Just because something worked at home on a personal laptop does not mean it will work in the presentation venue. Some technical issues to consider:
- Is the speaker expected to provide the laptop? Or will it be sufficient to bring the presentation file to be used on the host’s equipment?
- Is the host system compatible with the specific slideware program used?
- Is there a presentation remote?
- Is sound required? If so, make sure to test before the presentation.
- Is internet access required? If so, is there a password required or other obstacles to getting online? Is the link fast enough for what you need?
- How does the projector work? If connecting to a personal laptop, who provides the cables?
- How far away is the nearest electrical outlet? Is an extension cord needed? Who will provide one?
The best assumption about using technology is something will likely go wrong, so the norm should be to arrive early, set up, and test thoroughly. Failing to have the technology ready and working is ultimately the responsibility of the speaker. Problems may be seen as the speaker being unprepared, hurting their credibility.
Corporate comedian, Don McMillan, identifies some of the pitfalls of PowerPoint:
Watch Life After Death by PowerPoint | Don McMillan [3:59].
Poster Board
Prior to the advent of slideware, visual aids were typically created on poster board then placed on an easel for the audience to view. While not common anymore, such a method is still acceptable, especially for a smaller audience for which a screen and projector may be overwhelming, or for when the technology is not available.
Poster board can be used to display graphs, charts, drawings, photographs, or any other such items. The rules of audience focus apply just as with slideware: reveal the visual aid when the audience should focus on it, and remove it when the audience should focus on the speaker.
Note that the speaker will need something on which to display the visual aid. Typically, a visual aid stand, such as that pictured in Image 4, is used. The speaker needs to make sure they either have one or the venue will provide one.
Models, samples, or actual items can certainly be used as visual aids. For instance, if Noah is informing an audience about how airplanes fly, having a model of a plane’s wing would be quite valuable for him to use in pointing out how lift works. Or if Stephanie is going to inform the audience on the importance of a Native American jingle dress, having one with her will help her demonstrate the distinctive sound. There are some cautions about using actual objects:
- Make sure the object is large enough for the audience to see, yet not so large as to make managing it difficult.
- To control focus, plan how to reveal it and remove it when needed.
- Speak to the audience, not the object.
- Make sure the object is manageable. For example, one of your authors had a student give a speech on how to care for a cat and brought an actual cat to the classroom. Cats are rather unpredictable in strange settings, and most of the class was spent corralling the cat versus listening to the speech. Even when giving the speech, the cat was so squirmy the speaker and audience could hardly focus on the message.
- Think about possible problems. The cat example above shows things often go in very unpredictable directions. If giving a speech on snakes, bringing a snake seems like a good idea, but remember some people have such a fear of them they may have real problems paying attention.
Other People
Incorporating human assistants can be an engaging, lively way to get a point across. For example, if giving a speech teaching the Heimlich Maneuver for choking, demonstrating it on another person would be quite useful and informative. As with any visual aid, there are some guidelines for use:
- Make sure the other person is trustworthy. At times, people will volunteer to have a chance to be in the spotlight and may be somewhat difficult to control. The ideal person knows the speaker is in control and will respect their role as an aid to the speaker.
- Make sure the person is comfortable with what they will be doing. If volunteering for the Heimlich Maneuver, a person who is ticklish may have difficulty maintaining their composure during the demonstration. If they will be engaging in a physical activity, be sure they can safely and comfortably do so.
- Make sure it is very clear what they are to do. Ideally, the speaker and the person should work together beforehand to plan what will happen and when. If calling for a volunteer, make sure instructions are clear and distinct. Avoid vague, indefinite directions. Be prepared to demonstrate what is needed.
- Treat the person with respect. It can be tempting to go for a cheap laugh at the volunteer’s expense, but such behavior is boorish at best. All audience members should be treated respectfully and not embarrassed by their involvement with the presentation. Thank the individual when finished, giving them due credit for helping out.
Electronic Equipment
In addition to slideware, there are other types of electronic equipment speakers can use. Slide projectors, overhead projectors, audio players, or video players could all potentially be used. The two overriding concerns of any electronic equipment are 1) it will work properly when needed, and 2) the speaker knows how to use the equipment smoothly and effectively, to be able to incorporate it seamlessly and with little distraction.
Using Visual Aids
In addition to the suggestions on using slideware, when using visual aids of any type, three overriding guidelines are:
- Control Audience Focus: When a visual aid is revealed, the audience will focus on the visual aid, working to figure out what it is, what it says, and what it means. The speaker should have the aids visible only when they want the audience to pay attention to them. Determine the right time to unveil the visual aid, and the right time to put the visual aid away.
Even when the visual aid is revealed, use gestures and movement to control the audience’s focus more precisely. For example, for a list of items on a chart, the speaker should gesture to draw focus to whichever item they want their audience to focus on.
Always remember, whatever the speaker looks at, the audience looks at. If the speaker keeps making nervous glances at the visual aid, the audience will follow, diverting their focus. - Practice: Being comfortable in the use of visual aids communicates preparation and confidence. Practice with them to get a strong feeling for when and how to manipulate them. If the speaker begins to appear less confident and less sure of what to do with the aids, the audience becomes uncomfortable, anticipating failure versus anticipating success.
- Limit Them: The speaker must carefully consider what is important and what is not. Too many aids shift the focus from the speaker to the aids, the movement of the aids, and the general confusion caused by the amount of movement in the front of the room. Fewer well-developed aids have more impact than using many.
Key Concepts
The terms and concepts students should be familiar with from this section include:
After completing this section, students should be able to:
- describe the four methods of speech delivery.
- use the extemporaneous style of speaking.
- make effective verbal communication choices.
- make appropriate nonverbal communication choices.
- understand and manage speech anxiety.
No matter how well a speech is constructed, how qualified the sources of evidence, and how good the visual aids, a speech is still a performance. If a speech is not delivered well, the speech is weak. A well-delivered speech with weaker content will be seen as better than a speech that is strong in content but is poorly delivered. For example, a very intelligent, well learned teacher may have excellent information, but if they cannot communicate in a clear, pleasant manner, students will struggle to be engaged. How we present information is as important as the quality of the content, and we need to be responsible to do the very best job we can with both.
In our highly mediated culture, we are well accustomed to information being packaged for us in enjoyable ways. We expect good television shows, movies, music, and web sites. If we do not like the way they are packaged, we turn the channel, flip the switch, or surf away. Since we are speaking to audiences that expect the speaker to make the speech interesting, we have to take on that responsibility to make good choices for an effective presentation. If a speech is boring, it is because the speaker chose to make it that way. In order to understand what kinds of choices can be made, we need to consider the various methods of giving speeches, the characteristics of good verbal and nonverbal delivery, and the impact our speech anxiety can have on effective speaking.
Delivery Methods
Four methods for giving speeches are:
Impromptu speaking is speaking with little or no preparation when the speaker was unaware that he/she would be speaking. It is only impromptu speaking if the speaker truly did not know they would be asked to speak. Simply failing to prepare for a known speech is not impromptu; that is irresponsibility. Impromptu speaking is the most common form of speaking. Whether in a classroom or a business meeting, we are often called upon to state our ideas in a thoughtful organized way. Perhaps we are not standing in front of a room when we do it, but even if sitting, our credibility and believability are still being judged. Realistically, anytime a person is called upon to say something intelligent, they are being placed in an impromptu speaking situation.
There are three keys to speaking impromptu: organization, fluidity, and delivery. First, the speaker needs to have the information well organized so the listeners can follow the development of ideas. Second, the speaker needs to be fluid, carefully monitoring the use of disfluencies, hesitancies, and restatements. Third, the speaker needs to have a strong, outwardly focused delivery with especially good eye contact. Since the audience realizes this is impromptu, meeting the three standards demonstrates a powerful degree of confidence and ability.
Extemporaneous speaking is speaking from limited notes, but well prepared. This is the speaking style that most speakers
do use and should use. The method focuses the speaker properly, on the flow of ideas instead of the flow of words. Extemporaneous speaking combines two very important traits of good speaking: the speaker is well practiced and prepared, and the speaker retains flexibility in wording to adapt to the present audience.
To speak effectively extemporaneously:
- Carefully prepare an outline of the speech, getting the flow of ideas developed to a comfortable point.
- Practice the speech from the outline. There are three major benefits to this step. First, the speaker is getting comfortable with communicating the information. They start to get a sense of what the actual situation will be like. Second, what looks good on paper may not necessarily sound good when delivered. The speaker may realize a need to reorder or redo sections of the speech to have a comfortable “flow” to the presentation. Third, the speaker gets a realistic sense of the length of the speech. The only way to really know how long a speech will last is to stand up and give it, so the process is vital. The speaker may find the speech runs long, so they have to edit something out, or if the speech runs short, they may be looking to add ideas and material.
- Develop a notecard, if one is going to be used. It is important to balance having enough notes to adequately do the job with keeping them minimal so as to reduce the amount of time spent focusing on them. Always remember, the more notes a speaker has, the more they look at their notes and not the audience. Try to work with minimal notes. Use words and phrases on the card to allow for glancing at the notes as a reminder of what to say next.
- Practice with and refine the notecard. Practice the speech from the notecard, making any necessary alterations. Once the final card is developed, focus the remainder of the practice on developing a strong delivery. Be sure to practice being able to glance at the notecard, don’t read from it.
- When practicing, it is important to not start over every time a mistake occurs. First, by starting over repeatedly, the opening of the speech gets practiced a lot, but the same attention does not get paid to the remainder of the speech. This can lead to a noticeable decline in comfort and confidence when the speech is delivered. Second, by working through the entire speech, the speaker can practice adjusting to mistakes so as to be more prepared for when those slips occur in the actual presentation.
Manuscript speaking is speaking from a verbatim (word by word) script. The speech is written out and then is literally read to the audience. For most speakers in most situations, manuscript speaking is not the appropriate delivery method:
- When writing a speech out, it is too easy to slip from an oral style of language to a written styleSee more about the differences here; thus, the speech sounds very unnatural and awkward.
- Manuscript speaking focuses the speaker on the flow of words, not the flow of ideas.
- Manuscript speaking can be very boring and monotone, with little eye contact.
- The speaker is so locked onto the manuscript, he/she has little freedom for movement or variety in general.
- Manuscript speaking virtually removes any ability to adapt the speech to the moment or at the last minute.
However, in a few situations, manuscript speaking may be appropriate. If the exact wording must be so precise, manuscript is appropriate. When the President speaks, he speaks from a manuscript as a simple misstatement can have dramatic consequences. The CEO of a company speaking to stockholders will speak from a manuscript to present the issues carefully. A commencement speaker will typically speak from a manuscript. However, for the vast majority of speaking situations and speakers, manuscript speaking is rarely justified.
Memorized speaking is committing a manuscript to memory which is a very weak and dangerous method of delivering a speech. It has all the hazards of manuscript speaking with the added problems of forgetting and poor delivery. Memorized speaking usually leads to the highest levels of anxiety. Overall, unless there is some sort of specific, extenuating circumstance, it is difficult to imagine a situation in which memorized delivery is appropriate.
Verbal Delivery Factors
Remember verbal and vocal are not the same thing. The verbal component of the speech refers to language choices. Vocal factors are part of nonverbal communication, addressed next.
Using language effectively in a speech is quite important. Specific considerations when wording a speech include:
Use language comfortable for the speaker and appropriate for the audience. Do not try to show off and certainly do not obfuscate. If using jargon, be sure to define the terms for the audience; do not assume they already know what various acronyms and technical terms mean.
Use precise and concrete language. Vague and abstract language leads to misunderstanding.
Use an oral style of language versus a written style. In developing speeches, it is important we do not write out a speech as we invariably slip into a written style versus the more spontaneous, casual, oral style.
Use colorful and vivid language. Good speakers paint verbal pictures for the audience. Use adjectives, examples, and description.
Be cautious of offensive language. Some language is obviously offensive and easy to avoid. Some wording may not be as noticeable, however. For example, addressing a gender-mixed audience of salespeople as “salesmen” will most likely offend women. Think about the wording to avoid offending the audience.
Remain flexible. The very reason for using an extemporaneous style is the flexibility and adaptability it allows. During practice, explore various ways to word the speech in order to have more choices from which to select during the presentation.
Nonverbal Delivery Factors
Strong delivery and solid content must work hand in hand to give the audience a complete and effective package. From vocal factors to posture, delivery determines how engaged the audience becomes with the message. Consider all the lectures students experience. Some instructors pulled them into the material, getting their interest and holding it for a while. Unfortunately, some instructors, even those well versed in their field, had a delivery style that was not very stimulating for students.
In general, think of good delivery as expanded conversation. Speak conversationally to the audience, but in an organized way. The audience should feel the speaker is simply talking with them, not lecturing at them or presenting some sort of artificial persona. Audiences tend to engage more when they feel they are getting some insight into the person by listening to them speak of something important. Like good storytelling, good public speaking is energetic, enthusiastic, and dynamic. For the vast majority of speakers, their natural conversational style will serve as the foundation for their public speaking style, engaging their audiences in an effective manner.
In addition to expanded conversation, some specific nonverbal items to consider include:
Good speakers make eye contact with the audience which develops a connection between the audience and speaker, and demonstrates confidence. Work to make eye contact with all parts of the audience at some point, working left-to-right and front-to-back.
Good speakers use their natural expressiveness when in front of audiences to reflect the overall tone of the speech. The rule of thumb is the speaker should display what they want their audience to feel. Audiences are amazingly fast at sensing and responding to the emotional tone the speaker expresses.
Good speakers speak clearly, enunciate well, maintain a good volume and rate, and use vocal variety to emphasize points. The voice is the primary tool of a speaker, so using it well is important.
Disfluencies are sounds such as “uh,” “um,” and “ah,” or words such as “like,” “you know,” “I mean,” or “okay” used to fill pauses and interrupt the smooth flow of the words. A speaker’s goal should be to minimize these, but in using an extemporaneous style of speaking, a few are to be expected. As disfluencies rise, the audience’s perception of credibility drops, but a few are not a significant problem.
Good speakers realize we normally use our hands when we talk, so using hand gestures is important. Comfortable gestures demonstrate confidence, open the speaker’s posture, and help push the speaker’s message out to the audience. They should, however, be used in the upper area of the body, and they should not be used in distracting ways. For example, avoid fidgeting with a notecard, wringing hands, or playing with jewelry. Ideally, do what comes naturally, but avoid putting hands in the pockets, crossing arms, or clasping hands behind the back.
Good speakers, unless forced to stay at a microphone, will move around to some degree. The movement should not appear to be a sign of anxiety. Instead, movement can add visual variety, aid in the transitions between points, and help the speaker work out some anxiety.
The overall rule for effective delivery is “Once a delivery factor is noticed, it has hurt the speaker.” A good speaker’s delivery blends into the content as one, unified experience. If the audience is focusing on something such as gesturing, body movement, or eye contact, they are not focusing on the message of the speech.
Speech Anxiety
Glossophobia is the irrational fear of public speaking, far beyond normal speech anxiety. A glossophobic person would most likely avoid a speech class completely. Anyone who has ever experienced an intense, phobic reaction to something like heights, water, snakes, or spiders, knows the anxiety is irrational and highly magnified beyond what the situation warrants. A person with this degree of public speaking fear needs to be assisted by a mental health professional.
To be able to deliver an effective presentation, speakers must understand, appreciate, and cope with speech anxiety. Speech anxiety is a perfectly normal, natural and healthy reaction to a speaking situation. Everyone who is healthy and understands the dynamics of the speaking situation will experience some degree of speech anxiety. The difference between novice and experienced speakers is experienced speakers do not fear their anxiety and they know how to work with it instead of working against it. Speech anxiety does not go away; it can fade and become a secondary issue, but it is always there, at least for mentally healthy speakers. We do not address “getting rid” of anxiety; rather, we address understanding and coping with it, not fighting it.
The causes of speech anxiety are numerous, and how they affect a given person will vary. However, some common ones include:
Lack of Experience
As predictability drops and uncertainty rises, anxiety tends to also rise. It is normal that we tend to fear those things we do not feel we can predict and anticipate. Freshman may feel a lot of anxiety about going to college simply because the experience is new, but once settled in on campus and into a routine, the anxiety fades. Speaking is the same way; once a person has given several speeches, they learn what to expect from themselves and their audiences. They now have a much higher level of predictability, leading to a higher level of comfort and a lower level of anxiety.
Lack of Preparation
Another major, and controllable, cause of speech anxiety is the lack of preparation. If we feel we are unprepared for any situation, our anxiety will increase. Imagine walking into a class totally unprepared for a test; chances are test anxiety will rise. However, if walking into the room adequately prepared for the speech, confidence will increase and anxiety will drop. For this to work, speakers need to prove to themselves they are prepared, not to anyone else.
Fear of Rejection
Most of us do not like rejection, and being placed in situations in which we risk rejection can be nerve wracking. The reality is speakers are being judged and evaluated by the listener. Accept this reality and have confidence in the message and the delivery. No speaker will ever be fully accepted by every listener, but if they can bring self-confidence and preparation to the speaking situation, the vast majority of audiences will be polite and respectful.
False Expectations
Because of lack of experience, novice speakers are especially susceptible to false expectations. Novice speakers tend to have expectations that are either too grandiose or too negative. Either can be harmful. If a speaker has expectations set unrealistically high, the speaker has established unreachable standards, increasing his/her anxiety. On the other hand, if the expectations are too low, it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy based on the assumption, “I will do poorly; thus, why bother practicing,” which leads to failure.
Anxiety/Fear Cycle
As we become anxious about speaking, we fear the anxiety will make us fail. The fear of failure can increase our anxiety in a perpetuating cycle. The fear is a fear of the anxiety. We think being nervous is a sign of impending failure, so we become afraid of our anxiety. The more fear we have, the more anxiety we have. Anxiety cannot make a person fail; however, fear can make the person fail. Respect the normalcy of being anxious, but do not fear it.
Managing Anxiety
In coping with anxiety, it is important to remember three things:
- Having anxiety is a normal, physiological process. As mentioned before, anxiety is a normal, common reaction to a stressful situation. When we perceive a situation as threatening in some way, our “fight, flight, or flee” reaction kicks in, fueled by a dump of the hormone, noradrenaline, into our system. This prepares our bodies to confront the threat. With the energy boost, our muscles tremble in anticipation of action, so we get shaky knees, hands, and voices. We find it challenging to control these tremors as the effect of the hormone overrides conscious control. Since, however, this reaction is triggered by how we perceive a situation, a way to manage anxiety is to alter how we think of the situation. Some suggestions are given below.
- Each person handles anxiety in their own way. There is no single way to manage anxiety that will work for everyone. For some, prior to the event, eating small meals, avoiding caffeinated products, and engaging in positive visualization can work well. For others, a large meal of “comfort food” can be relaxing. Some use mental tricks to view the situation as less threatening, and others use relaxing music to calm themselves. With experience, speakers find the things having the most positive impact on their anxiety.
- The goal is to manage anxiety, not get rid of it. Experience tells us the more novice speakers try to get rid of anxiety, the worse it actually becomes. If the goal is to get rid of anxiety, yet it occurs, the speaker may see themselves as failing. Since it is unrealistic to expect the anxiety to completely go away, a more practical, realistic goal is to learn to work with and manage it.
When managing anxiety, focus on three key areas: preparation, expectation, and practice.
Preparation: Preparation addresses two areas: preparing the speech and preparing the speaker. First, being confident in the amount and quality of preparation will help moderate anxiety. If the speaker believes they are adequately prepared and have done what is necessary to get ready, this can help moderate anxiety.
Some other suggestions include:
- Dress comfortably. While it is important to dress appropriately for the occasion, be sure to wear comfortable clothes that enhance confidence. Since the anxiety tends to make speakers feel warm, wear “cooler” clothes to avoid overheating. Wear comfortable shoes.
- Avoid too much caffeine. Since the noradrenaline is already providing additional energy, adding caffeine may create a very uncomfortable, shaky situation.
- Even though anxiety can cause stomach upset, it is better to eat something than to leave the stomach empty. Bland food, such as toast or a bagel, can ward off nausea.
- Avoid drugs or alcohol. While it may seem tempting to use things to relax, drugs or alcohol can reduce the speaker’s focus, mental acuity, and overall ability to manage the event. If an audience perceives the speaker as intoxicated or under the influence, the speaker’s credibility may be ruined. The chances of doing or saying something embarrassing run high, so it is best to not use alcohol. Of course, if a physician has prescribed medications for anxiety, follow the doctor’s directions.
- Avoid inflating the anxiety. A scene far too common in a public speaking class is students, already anxious for the speech, inflating their anxiety. Sharing how they feel, how nervous they are, and engaging in a lot of anxious movement tends to magnify anxiety. Sitting quietly, breathing deeply, and visualizing a successful speech are far more beneficial.
Expectations: Carefully think through what is likely to happen during the speaking event to have reasonable expectations. Avoid the extremely positive or negative expectations and anticipate the event as realistically as possible.
Most audiences will be quiet, attentive, and respectful. While we see hecklers yelling at politicians, the vast majority of speeches are given to audiences who listen attentively and respond politely and appropriately. If attempting humor, a smile or a chuckle are excellent signs of success. Rarely will a speaker have the audience responding with raucous laughter. Even if the audience contains a few non-attentive members, focus on the ones attending to the speech; give them what they came there for.
As a speaker, the chances of really “bombing” are very low, assuming adequate preparation and practice. Speakers using an extemporaneous, conversational style will have a few disfluencies, may misstate a word, or have to check their notes to remind them of what to say. These minor slips are generally non-issues, as long as the speaker does not call attention to them. The audience determines how to respond to a speaker’s mistakes based on the speaker’s reaction. If the speaker simply moves past them or quickly corrects themselves, the audience will pay little attention to them. If the speaker appears flustered or distracted, the audience will begin to anticipate failure. The best thing a speaker can do is have realistic expectations of what will happen during the speech: not perfect and not horrible. Through some careful self-talk and practice, speakers will have a good, realistic sense of what the speaking experience will be like.
Practice: Finally, and perhaps most importantly, engage in active practice. Active practice means giving the speech as realistically as possible, not just thinking or mumbling through it. Speakers have a lot to do, and just as with any complex activity, practice is necessary to train themselves to do the best job. Through active practice, the speaker gets more comfortable with the physical process of standing, moving, gesturing, all while speaking a well-organized, coherent message. If visual aids are being used, they become comfortable with when to reveal and when to remove them, and with how to manage them the most effectively. The ideal situation, if possible, is to practice in the actual space in which the speech will be given. By using good, active practice, the speaker is reducing the unknowns, so there is less to be anxious about.
One caution about practicing: There is a tendency to practice the earlier parts of the speech over and over, yet the later parts receive very little attention. In practice, the speaker starts, makes an error, and starts over. After doing this several times, the introduction and early part of the body is getting a lot of attention; however, once a speaker gets through the entire speech, little effort is made to work all parts of the speech equally. While this stop/restart process is fine initially, at some point the speaker must practice the entire speech, beginning to end, several times. By doing this, the speaker is learning how to manage slips, making them less significant when they happen in the actual presentation.
Key Concepts
The terms and concepts students should be familiar with from this section include:
- Comfortable language
- Precise language
- Oral language style
- Descriptive language
- Avoid offending
- Be adaptable
2101 15th Ave NW
Willmar, MN 56201
(320) 222-5200
Keith Green, Ruth Fairchild, Bev Knudsen, Darcy Lease-Gubrud
Last Updated: June 26, 2018

