

Ulrike Kestler

Finding the core elements for the magazine article from the previous chapter (there are four slides)


The citation for the magazine article (click image to see it bigger):


The Core elements explained

1. Author.

  • as with all individual authors is the surname (=family name), followed by the given name(s).

2. Title of Source.

  • is the title of the article in title-style
  • titles that are part of a larger work, such as an article in a journal/magazine/newspaper, are put “in double quotation marks”. Other examples are: a chapter in a collection of works, an episode of a TV series, a song on an album, etc.
  • if there is a subtitle, include it after the main title, separated by a colon :

3. Title of Container,

  • is the title of the magazine in headline style
  • title of containers are italicized

4. Contributor,

  • usually not needed

5. Version,

  • usually not needed

6. Number,

  • you would use this element to include information about the magazine’s volume and issue number
  • as this magazine does not have any volume and issue numbers, this element is skipped

7. Publisher,

  • not needed

8. Publication Date,

  • give the date as detailed as it is in your source
  • months longer than four letters are abbreviated (Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, June, July, Aug., Sept. Oct. Nov., Dec.)
  • seasons are written in small letters (spring, summer, fall, winter)

9. Location.

  • is the online location, i.e. the URL; it is not necessary to include the page numbers for articles with a URL
  • if you read the article in a print magazine, the location would be the page range


Now try it yourself! 

The Library’s MLA Online Guide is a great resource to have on hand for creating reference citations.

Exercise 1: Find the elements needed for a Works Cited list citation for this magazine article


Exercise 2: How do you write each core element in MLA Style?

